The internet has made people such sluts. Well, people have always been tempted towards sexuality. But, seriously, people have absolute behaviors not being able to control their sexual nature, since the influence of the world. wild .web. (and smartPhone apps). Am I simply an unwilling prude, or is there actually something crass about sexxing, nearly, everyone one deems attractive? I am no saint to getting sex from others without attachment. My truth is actually, that so-called "no -strings-attached" relations suit my fancy. Not necessarily in choice, but by reason and accessibility. I don't have the type of life another person should usually be interested in sharing; in short, its erratic, overly complicated, and too free-standing. But, a truth be told, there's something respectable about belonging with someone. (There's also a lot that's suffocating & threatening about taking up commitment for the sake of it). All that being said, I come to realize in my...