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Showing posts from July, 2019

End of the Road?

So, I been in it for a minute; by that, I mean a year and "pocket change." It's been a wild and tumultuous road, and somehow I'm still going. They say, when you're going through hell to keep going. I can't say this is hell, but it's a journey I never had before. Never thought it would cost so much to keep from being alone and supposedly submit oneself to something greater: an intimate relationship, that is. I could say the road to Christianity and perfection is much the same. Loving God is easy; but submitting yourself to faith, loving your neighbor,  overcoming enemies, taking the moral road and seeing beyond what it looks like both changes you and challenges you. It's a fight with yourself to overcome limitations the world has set. And, in a great way, one takes those same skills of faith and belief with him in any battle, or challenge. In a way, it leaves me feeling like I'm heading to a "point-of-no-return." When has luck run out? Or,...